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This custom build started 5 years ago with the purchase

of the cab that I found in my hometown of Jamestown

Ohio. After looking for all the parts that were needed to

complete the truck (which that is the fun part of the build).

I found the 1935 wheels and the original bed on an ebay

auction in northern Ohio. After winning the auction me

and my good friend Dave Firman made the trip up north

to get the parts. Deciding on running a big block Ford

motor was an easy decision. After all I bleed blue! It’s got

to be ford all the way. After

the custom frame z’d front

and rear, and the mock up

motor in came the years of

making these original ford parts and a lot if custom parts

and ideas work. I had a lot of ideas on how I wanted the

truck to look I decided on this design because I wanted it

to be apart of me. Being a carpenter and running my own

businesses. I thought it would fit me and my business

the best. After years of working on it in my spare time

another friend of mine Jerry Martin called and said he

was contacted by Renegade magazine and wanted us

to come to Sandusky Ohio for Ohio bike week and show

in a car and bike show. It sounded like a good time. Only

problem is my truck is far from done. Even after all the

years of work from me and my brother James and neph-

ew Cody we were far from being done. I had to gather

more friends to help get it done for the show. I now made

this the deadline for completing the truck. It looked like

a long shot. But we were going to try. I had the painter

from the Springvally Ohio to do the patina paint and

lay down the pinstripes and gold leaf. After getting the

truck back to my shop I only had about 15 days till the

show. After weeks of working till 230 in the morning

and everyone still working there normal jobs includ-

ing my future brother in law Brent Johnsman to help

out too. He had no idea what he was getting into.

Brent helped with a lot if mechanical work. Jerry done my

wiring while I was running the copper lines for my air ride.

Jerry also did the machine work on my copper manifold

and manual valves for the air ride. Now its crunch time its

6 days till the show and I have a lot of loose ends to finish

and it Friday and I need to order tires. So I call Coker and

bite the bullet I order the Coker classic wide white wall

radials. And had to get 2 day shipping since the weekend

was going to take some days away from getting the tires.

The tires should be there in

Monday. I had jerry run by

my shop on Monday and see

if the tires were there since I

was out in a job site. Af- ter a phone call from jerry say

they were not there I called Coker and they said they were

dropped off at noon. So I called jerry back and he said he

would look again after walking around the shop and the

house he went into the garage and even looked in the

house just to make sure they weren’t there. After walking

out if the garage Jerry was greeted by my neighbor and

his trusty side arm. After a few questions from my

neighbor and a little explaining from Jerry we still

have no tires. I now have to find the tires so back

on the phone with Coker they can’t find them

either. So we decided to order another set and

have them next day air. Later in the day I get

a call from the trucking company. They found

“After all I bleed blue!”


my tires but had no driver that could go get them so after

work I drove and got the tires myself. I took the tires and

wheels down to my local tire shop Hometown tire owned

by my friend Jake Robison hooked me up and got the

tires mounted and balanced. We now have 1 day left to

finish the truck. After work we gathered at the shop to

see if we could finish the truck fir the show. After getting

it all together and firing up the truck and getting some

more help from a couple more friend Nate and chad to

work out a few bugs and

making a driveshaft at the

last minute. I found I had

no reverse. Feeling bad for

everyone who worked so hard in the truck and think we

weren’t going to make the show. I decided to go with no

reverse we would just have to use some muscle and push

it anytime I needed reverse. After taking my fiancée Nic-

cole for the first drive around our country block its now

3:30 am the morning of the show (the neighbors probably

don’t like me now!). after loading the truck in the trailer

Niccole was running around like a crazy woman. She’s

packing my bags and loading the camper. I’ve got a

real good woman there! Niccole and her 10 year old

son Trenton have out up with a lot if long days of the

guys in the shop. Its now 4:30 am and after hooking up

the camper to my truck and the trailer to Brent’s truck.

Jerry and his friend head home to load his truck. After

only an hour and a half of rest me and Brent was greet-

ed by jerry who decided after

loading his truck to go to the

waffle house instead of sleep.

We now have a 3-hour plus

drive to Sandusky. After getting to Sandusky and meet-

ing new friends and hanging out for 4 days and showing

the truck. It was all well worth the long hours and years

of work to build the splinter jockey construction. Truck.

Looking at a few things that I added to the truck were

things I used in my life the toolbox air cleaner, which

was my first toolbox when I was a kid. And the

carpenter’s toolbox in back was the

box I used in school when I was

becoming a carpenter. The nail

bags I retired I used inside to

hold stuff since there’s no


old hammer for

a brake pedal, a drill for the

shifter. I would like to thank

all my friends and family

that helped with my truck.

Thank you all

Steve Irvin
