Renegade Issue 39 - page 6-7

Time keeps ticking away... I know it’s been a while since I put out a new issue
of Renegade. I guess I kind of just needed a break to have time to focus on
my other creative outlets. I have a new website featuring my custom art and
other original items like t-shirts, tapestries, throw pillows, prayer candles
and other cool stuff for your garage or man cave.
I have been living the starving artist for most of my life, and I have to say
there are many days where I just feel like a damn fool for spending my life
chasing dreams, but then I think I can’t imagine living any other way; suc-
cess or not I have to create, it’s what makes me feel alive and feel like I
have a purpose on this rock. It ain’t easy being a Renegade...
I just got through debuting my Church of Chop gallery at this year’s
Born-Free Show in sunny California. After many setbacks on our way
out to California, with more than a couple blowouts and flat tires, fuel
starvation issues with the bus, along with alternator and battery issues.
We got there late on set-up day with just a couple hours to unload all
my stuff from my overloaded trailer and throw up my tents. We really
only had time to get the tents up and the tubs and bikes out and close
it up then come back early the next day to finish setting up. I have
to admit by this time I was beginning to feel defeated and my turrets
syndrome was kicking in big time as I cussed and fussed trying to
get the booth set up before it got too crowded. We did get it all to-
gether by noon and from that point on everything came together and I had a
fairly successful day, made some sales, met some good people and got lots of
good feedback.
Things are looking up and I’m feeling positive and reinvigorated to create new art
and continue to build the Church of Chop!
Kick it!
Scharf 5
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