Renegade Issue 40 - page 8-9

Sometimes I just don’t understand the mentality of people.
The more I read, and I read a lot, the more it amazes me
how people are get-
ting dumbed down and
can’t even differentiate
between simple logic
and pure delusional
thinking. With the mid-
term elections over, once again I am just blown away by what
people “think” they are voting for. In one corner, we have free
enterprise, guns, GOD and the Constitution and in the other,
we have socialism, which is one step away from Communism.
But yet, people go to the polls and vote for idiotic things, such
as raising the minimum wage because they “think” that will in
some way boost the economy and boost the morale of all of
the people working for minimum wage.
What they don’t understand is that even if the minimum wage
was $40 billion an hour, the middle and upper class would
still be making more and by the time all the products and ser-
vices go up in order to pay their employees more, nothing has
changed! Oh, except that the people who make more than the
minimum wage did not get a raise, they, in fact, got a demo-
tion. It is basic economics that plays with basic psychology
and in the end,
we all LOSE!
I LOVE Trump
and from the
minute he an-
nounced he was
running, I told everyone that he would win. They, of course,
laughed! I get a lot of magazines and it is simply pathetic
how all of them spew nonsense against Trump and seem to
immortalize this bleeding liberal way of life- let’s get every-
thing for free while someone else foots the bill. It sickens
me how they try to convince the American public that WE
are all the same and that WE all deserve to live like kings
and queens! The left wingers love to make up terms such
as “assault weapons”, “gun violence”, and “wage suppres-
sion”. I feel like Joe Dirt when I start describing what I am
My blood runs red as do my political views. I am under
no illusion of the world getting any better as the youth and 7
even older people are drawn into this fairy tale of living on
society’s dime. I am proud to be white, proud to be a Chris-
tian and I believe that ANYONE should own all of the guns
that they so desire- as long as they have paid for them.
This world requires people to PAY for things. And when you
KNOW that you don’t make enough money to pay for one kid
or two, then don’t freaking have them! It is no different than
if a household cannot afford three dogs, or two, or one. Only
have what you can afford, that is simple kindergarten logic.
I have worked hard my entire life. My way of living as frugal
as I can so that I can have the things that I want should be
enough to convince others to do the same damn thing. Un-
fortunately, people are not willing to give up their iPhones,
iPads, dildos, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, cable tv, and hordes
of other unnecessary stuff. I see no benefit in knowing how
to even use an iPhone, much less spend gobs of money to
have one. When I go out into the public, I can tell that the
brainwashing went over pretty damn good. I know where I
come from, but where do all you Zombies come from?
The fact that these
screaming liberals feel
superior to the hard-
working conservatives
makes no sense at all.
They live in an altered
reality. Everything that encompasses what they believe and
how they vote is logistically incorrect.
I also don’t understand why some employees of stores that I
frequent try to act like they are all mighty and powerful while
imposing “rules” on shoppers. They don’t have any “real
world power” but I guess trying to convince them of that
would deflate their bubble. I had a return to a big box store
with the receipt and the lady insisted that I go get another
matching item as she wasn’t sure that what I was returning
was the same item for which I had the receipt. I had to go
over to the other part of the store and when I told this lady
that, she told me that I must look like a criminal and that she
would walk me back over to the returns register with said
item. Geez, what am I, canned ham?
Every morning when I check my email, I go back into the liv-
ing room and say “I am socially dead”; every damn morning!
We went to a wedding where there were very few people.
I had no idea that the cake Nazi would be at this wedding
when the girl asked me if I wanted the chocolate or the vanil-
la piece and I said BOTH! In one week I pulled my shoulder
out of socket swatting a fly, set the kitchen on fire and fell off
of the front porch. I went to the T-shirt place and a guy tells
me not to worry when he starts talking about some patches
he was having made. He starts acting like he’s real cool,
and says “It’s ok, I’m a biker”. I just kept quiet about my old
Harleys. He then goes out to his gold mini-van and comes
back in almost yelling “Are you driving that old Dodge?”
Where do these people come up with this stuff? And by the
way, is it normal that I am leery and worry about pirates all of
the time? Sometimes I’m glad I’m already insane.
Speaking of being insane, I finally got my ’39 Knucklehead
finished after almost seven years and it is AWESOME!!!!! It
is absolutely the best riding bike I have ever ridden. I also
believe it is the best looking bike I have ever built and I am
totally in love with it. In the fall of 2011 we were going to buy
a bigger house but after one of our friends died, we both
came to the conclusion that we had been confused. After
giving up on the house idea, I used the down payment mon-
ey I had saved (from selling hedgehogs, selling razors, etc.)
and bought a 1939 Knucklehead engine with a tranny from
“Panhead Mark” from Hot Springs in February of 2012. After
riding my ’81 Ironhead and then moving up to my Panhead,
the ride difference was SO unbelievable. Now moving from
my Pan to my Knuckle is another HUGE step in rideability.
On this build, I decided to go with 7/8 bars and I absolutely
love them!!!!
I am also now the proud owner of a 1968 Plum Crazy Purple
Dodge Charger!!! One Sunday while washing my ’74 Char-
ger I told Gabe I was going to sell it and buy a ’68. He said
“okay” and proceeded to look on Craigslist. I know that the
’68 Chargers are one of the most sought-after cars on the
market and very, VERY hard to find. He actually found one
on there that same day that was pretty rough, mismatched
colors, needing glass and
most everything else. I knew
that since they were so hard
to find, that I would probably
have to buy this one. On
Wednesday a guy came down
and looked at my car, but just kept asking why I was selling
it like I was trying to hide something. This guy also only had
one hand and in the end, he didn’t buy it. By Thursday the
only Charger that was on Craigslist had already sold. I told
Gabe it wasn’t meant to be and that GOD had something
better in store.
We got invited to a small “custom builders” show in Little
Rock on Saturday so we decided to go. While we were stay-
ing in the free Marriott that I had reserved, we got a call the
next morning from a guy who wanted to look at my Charger.
We were heading back that day anyway so we made it hap-
pen. After much haggling and me not moving much on the
price, I sold my car. I went home with a pocket full of cash
knowing there was no Charger to be had. I had exhausted
all of my resources, emailed people, looked on eBay, Mopar
sites, Craigslist, etc. Then I realized I had better look on
Craigslist since I was now holding cash.
Lo and behold, just listed was a Charger in my favorite color
only a couple hours from us. Gabe got on the phone and
as soon as we could,
we went to view the
car. The car had
been completely
taken apart 15-20
years ago and totally
sprayed purple EV-
a totally rust free
car that came
with a lot of
parts. I immedi-
ately knew I wanted
the car and then told the
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